Questions &


Reclaim the Game is being delivered as a research study. Please see below for all our FAQs about taking part in Reclaim the Game as part of this study, if you have any other queries, please contact us using the email link below.

Reclaim the Game is part of a larger study called the Football Fans and Betting (FFAB) study. This aims to develop a series of workshops, delivered by coaches at football clubs, to help men aged 18-44 reduce the amount of time and money they spend on betting.

We need help developing this and need men, aged 18-44 who want to reduce their gambling or betting, to take part in a pilot study. Running a pilot helps us look at how well the workshops work, understand what men think of them and get suggestions for how they can be improved.

If you want to take part, we’ll ask you to attend a weekly workshop along with other volunteers at either Preston North End Community and Education Trust or Accrington Stanley Community Trust. These workshops will run from June-August 2022.

They will be delivered by fully trained community coaches from Preston North End Community and Education Trust and Accrington Stanley Community Trust. Each weekly session lasts around 90 minutes. The first part, led by coaches, gives an opportunity to reflect on gambling and learn about issues relating to gambling. For the second part, coaches will lead a group-based physical activity session at the football ground.

First, we’ll ask you to complete the online sign up form which includes obtaining a few contact details from you such as your telephone number and email address. One of the research team will then contact you by phone to ask you some short questions about yourself and any gambling you do. Your answers will be used to check whether you can take part in the Reclaim the Game pilot. If so, you’ll be asked to come to Preston North End Community and Education Trust/Accrington Stanley Community Trust to meet the coaches and research team who will be able to answer any questions you have and get your consent to take part. If you do take part, you’ll be asked to come to as many of the weekly sessions as possible. You will be offered a £60 high street gift voucher to thank you for taking part in the research. Someone from the research team will be at every session to take notes on how well it is going and what changes may need to be made.

Some people who take part in the pilot will also be invited to take part in one-to-one telephone interviews or invited to a focus group with a researcher to talk about your experience. This will help us to understand anything that we need to improve. Those who taking part will be offered a £20 high street gift voucher and we will pay reasonable travel expenses.

No, it is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do take part, you are free to stop at any time and we’ll remove you and your data from the study.

Deciding whether to take part in the study will not affect involvement with your football club in any way.

It is unlikely that you will experience any harm as a result of taking part in Reclaim the Game. We will ask people to think about their gambling which could cause discomfort for some, and we have people who are part of our team who can help, if this is the case.

Whilst there may not be direct benefits for you, your experiences will help us to test and improve the Reclaim the Game programme and inform the next phase of development to help to support other men like you.

Confidentiality will be respected unless there are compelling and legitimate reasons for this to be breached. If this was the case, we would inform you of any decisions that might limit your confidentiality.

For those people taking part in a follow-up interview or a focus group, we will ask for your permission to record these interviews. These will be recorded on an encrypted device. These recordings will be typed out (transcribed) by a company which has signed agreements to keep all information confidential. The interview data will be anonymised. You will only be identifiable by a unique project number or pseudonym. Any identifiable information will be stored separately on secure University of Glasgow servers. It will not be accessible to anyone outside the research team.

You’ll be part of a group with other people like you. We will remind everyone who takes part in these groups that they should not disclose to others who else is taking part. Neither the research team nor the coaches will reveal to anyone, without your permission, who has taken part in this pilot study.
As part of the study, you will be given the option of downloading a smartphone app which you be able to use to log details of your gambling and your physical activity, if you want to. It’s entirely your choice as to whether you want to use this or not. If you do, you’ll be asked to enter your email address and a password to ensure the app-data entered is secure.

Access to data collected via the app will be available by password only and stored securely on university servers. Participant data entered via the app will be collected and stored on a cloud server called ‘Firebase’ which is a GDPR compliant platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. At the end of the project, data from the app, including personal data like usernames will be securely deleted.

Once the study is over, we might share your pseudonymised research data with students or other researchers, in line with good research practice. They will never know your name. No real names will be used in any reports or publications, and all identifying details will be removed. Your research data will be retained for a period of ten years. After this time, it will be destroyed in line with the University of Glasgow Guidelines.

The data we collect will be used to help us understand whether we need to make any changes to the Reclaim the Game study.

Study results will be written up in reports, scientific publications, and presentations. We may share findings by social media and in newspapers, radio and television reports. We can send you a summary of the main findings if you would like.

The research is led by Professor Gerda Reith ( and her team based at the University of Glasgow. The research team includes researchers from other universities and our partners at Healthy Stadia, Preston North End Community and Education Trust and Accrington Stanley Community Trust, Beacon Counselling Trust and Betknowmore.

The study is funded by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR 127665).

This project has been approved by the University of Glasgow’s College of Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee

Beacon Counselling Trust
Provides services for those affected by gambling, as well as mental health issues. This service provides one-to-one, couples or group therapy sessions for those affected by gambling, as well as their friends and families. It also offers advice and guidance on a range of other issues including debt management, mental health and social support.
0151 321 1099

A gambling support service that provides peer-led support for people affected by gambling harms.
0800 066 4827 (Mon-Fri 9am-9pm)

A national treatment provider who provide expert information, advice, and support to anyone affected by gambling. They offer a range of services, including a 24-hour helpline phone number, online counselling, chatrooms and message boards
0808 8020 133 (8am to Midnight)

Debt Advice Agency
A national agency offering advice on financial problems
01209 310090